Netherworld gets a face-lift!

Hello, lovelies!

I’m excited to say I’m finally getting ready to publish the last Netherworld book. It’s been a while since I published anything (2 years! A record I hope to never beat :), but Netherworld is finally complete! This is such a unique and exciting world. It’s been a blast writing Amelia and Seth’s story! They have been fun to get to know, and I feel that this last installment does them both justice, lol.

Now for the NEWS part of this article. Since I began writing Netherworld, things have changed a bit in the publishing world, and I wanted to make sure this series gets the attention I think it deserves. So, I decided to give the entire series a face-lift with new titles and new covers.

What’s in a name? I never really was happy with the names I chose for the first three books. They were okay, but I didn’t feel like they truly reflected the unique and stunning world in the pages. I hope the new titles I’ve chosen and the covers create a clearer vision of what these books are about.

Netherworld Book 1 was known as Dreamscape. It will now be known as Weaver of Dreams. This title is significant because of the role the Oneiroi play in the story (Oneiroi are shapeshifting dream givers). Next, is Captive of Dreams, which used to be known as Tainted. Third, is Keeper of Dreams, which used to be known as Consumed. And the final book coming out later this week is Weaver of Dreams. Take a gander at the new covers! I’m thrilled with them, and I hope you are, too. Each title is significant in some way.

Well, there they are side by side. Aren’t they pretty?


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